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This site reveals what information your device is exposing to the web. As you scroll, you will see various datapoints collected using Web APIs and JavaScript. The data points may or may not be correct, as the site displays data exactly as your browser reveals it. Feel free to send an email to [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

Device Details

The data collected here provides an overview of the key characteristics and features of your device. This information is gathered through various Web APIs to help you better understand the hardware and software aspects of your system. This data provides insights into the configuration of your device, which includes details such as the operating system, memory, processor, graphics, and more.

Browser Details


This section compiles data pertaining to your web browser and the specific features it supports. It's important to note that various web browsers may support different features, which can be crucial for fingerprinting and understanding your browsing environment. This information is essential for web applications and services to provide an optimal user experience while ensuring compatibility with the capabilities of your browser.


The information within this section is gathered through the Geolocation API, a browser API that provides highly accurate insights into a user's location. Due to the sensitivity of location data, it is required that sites obtain user permission to access the data. Read More

Network Details

This section provides information about your IP address and network connection. It works by sending a request to personaldata.info's backend to retrieve the user's IP address along with information about it. This section also uses various browser APIs that may or may not be supported. Read More

Audio Info

The data contained in this section pertains to the user's audio capabilities, as well as the creation of a unique fingerprint of the user's audio context. Read More

Video Info

This section provides information about your video playback capibilities by using a varity of browser APIs. Read More

Internationalization Info

The data contained in this section relates to the user's locale. It is collected using the internationalization API (I18N). It is important to note that even when using a VPN, a website can still get a very broad estimate of the user's location based on this data. Read More

ClientRects Info

This element is used to get ClientRects values

This section employs the ClientRects API to acquire location data for the element above. It's important to note that this data can be influenced by varying screen sizes, making it a valuable resource for fingerprinting purposes. Read More

Animation Fingerprint

Animation Fingerprint: Unknown

This section demonstrates a Three.js animation featuring a rotating orange cube and the generation of an animation fingerprint based on cube data. It precisely captures the location of each cube corner during one full rotation and computes a unique hash from the collected data.

The animation fingerprint showcases how Three.js animations can capture screen-dependent information, creating a distinctive fingerprint for user devices. Read More

Tracker Prevention Test

Clicking the button above will test your browser's tracker blocking capabilities with real tracking scripts. Do not click this button if you don't want to load tracking scripts, as they may collect information about your device and browser.

This section attempts to load known tracking scripts and then checks if they were blocked by an adBlocker or not. Personaldata.info does not have any accounts with these tracking companies, and all scripts are loaded in a sandboxed environment.

MathML Fingerprint

x = - b ± b 2 - 4 × a × c 2 × a
y = x a + 1 + x 2
f x d x
2 + 3
n = 1

MathML Fingerprint:

MathML, which stands for Mathematical Markup Language, serves as a markup language designed to portray mathematical notations and structures on the web. Nonetheless, it can also be leveraged for fingerprinting by assessing support and measuring each distinct character, as various web browsers exhibit MathML in varying ways. Read More

Math Fingerprint

This section demonstrates how complex equations in JavaScript can yield slightly different results on various devices due to differences in hardware, floating-point precision, and how JavaScript engines handle math operations.

These disparities occur because devices may use distinct processors with varying precision, and JavaScript engines may optimize calculations differently, impacting result precision. In essence, the same equations can produce small variations in outcomes on different devices. Read More

Error Message Fingerprint

Various web browsers may exhibit slightly different error messages. This section intentionally triggers JavaScript errors and presents the outcomes, along with a fingerprint of the data.

Console Fingerprint

The `console` object can be inconsistent across browsers, with varying levels of support for its methods. Different web browsers may offer different sets of methods for the `console` object. However, this does not pose a specific fingerprinting concern due to the fact that most browsers support the same methods. Read More

Emoji Fingerprint

Emoji support and style can vary greatly across devices and browsers. This loops through a long list of emojis to check for support and get their size. It then creates a fingerprint from the outcome. Read More

Font Fingerprint

Fonts can vary across different browsers and devices, as each browser may support a unique set of fonts or implement font rendering in a slightly distinct way. This section takes advantage of that by checking which fonts are supported by your browser and creating a fingerprint.

CSS Fingerprint

This is the test element!

CSS Filter Hash:

CSS fingerprinting is a web tracking technique that examines a web browser's compatibility with a range of CSS features, generating a distinctive fingerprint. This section runs feature detection scripts as well as measures how long your browser takes to apply a complex CSS filter.

Clock Skew

This section shows how websites can detect small differences between client and server time. While this is a simplified example, more complex algorithms can use this information as part of a fingerprinting process.

Page Interaction

Click Count: 0

Keystroke Count: 0

Double Click Count: 0

Right Click Count: 0

Caps Lock: Disabled

Cursor X:

Last Click Position: Unknown

Points of Contact: 0

Window Resize Count: 0

Element Focused:

Websites commonly gather user interaction data to gain valuable insights into user behavior and preferences. This data collection encompasses various user actions, such as clicks, page views, mouse movements, and more. By monitoring these interactions, websites can understand how users engage with their content and interfaces.

Typing Style Fingerprint

Typing Speed:

Backspace Rate:

Avg KeyPress Duration:

Avg Backspace Duration:

Avg Shift Key Duration:

Shift Key Typing Rate:

Avg Typing Rhythm:

Keystroke dynamics analysis is the method used to capture and assess these typing patterns. It is a biometric technique that records how an individual types on a keyboard, measuring the time intervals between keystrokes and the duration of key presses. The distinctiveness of these patterns can vary from person to person, and this data can be utilized for identification and authentication purposes. Read More

Request Headers

HTTP request headers are essential components of a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request. These headers provide critical information to the web server about the type of request being made, the client's capabilities, and any additional context for the request. Read More

Responce Headers

HTTP response headers are crucial elements of an HTTP response sent by a web server to a client, such as a web browser. These headers provide essential information about the server's response, including details about the content, caching instructions, server software, and more. Read More

Device Motion and Orientation

This section collects information about the user's device orientation using the DeviceOrientationEvent API.Read More

Bluetooth Device Data

The Web Bluetooth API allows websites and web applications to interact with nearby Bluetooth devices. The API requires user permission and is generally not a significant privacy concern. Read More

USB Device Data

The Web USB API is a browser technology that allows web applications to interact with USB devices connected to a user's computer. It enables websites to request and obtain permission from users to access and control USB peripherals, making it possible to develop web-based applications that can communicate with and utilize external hardware devices, such as printers, cameras, and even IoT gadgets, extending the capabilities of web applications beyond traditional web content and services. Read More

HID Device Data

The HID API (Human Interface Device API) is a web API that enables web applications to interact with HID devices, including gamepads, joysticks, and keyboards, that are connected to a user's computer. Read More

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics are a set of browser API methods that provide developers with information about how long it takes for various parts of a webpage to load and render. This information can be used to optimize the performance of a webpage and improve the user experience. Read More

WebRTC Data

WebRTC Leak: No Leak Detected

WebRTC fingerprinting is a method used to uniquely identify and track users across the internet by exploiting the subtle differences in how web browsers and devices implement Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) technology. WebRTC is typically used for real-time audio and video communication in web applications. However, its underlying architecture can inadvertently leak device and network information, allowing websites to create a unique "fingerprint" for each user. Read More


This section displays miscellaneous data collected using various web APIs.

Canvas Fingerprint

Canvas fingerprinting is a technique used to identify and track users on the internet by exploiting the unique rendering properties of HTML5 canvas elements in web browsers. This method involves instructing a user's browser to draw an invisible image and then measuring the distinctive characteristics of how it's rendered, including the user's graphics hardware and software configuration. Read More

WebGL Fingerprint

WebGL fingerprinting is a method used to identify and track internet users by exploiting the specific capabilities and configurations of their computer's WebGL (Web Graphics Library) implementation. WebGL is a technology that allows web browsers to render 3D graphics and perform complex computations using a computer's graphics hardware. By examining the unique attributes of a user's WebGL implementation, such as the graphics card and its capabilities, websites can create a distinct "fingerprint" for each user. Read More

WebGPU Fingerprint

WebGPU API fingerprinting is a technique used to identify and track internet users by analyzing the specific attributes of their computer's WebGPU API implementation. The WebGPU API is a modern web technology that allows web applications to access and utilize the computer's graphics processing unit (GPU) for tasks like rendering complex 2D and 3D graphics. By examining the unique properties of a user's WebGPU setup, including the GPU model, capabilities, and driver versions, websites can create a distinct "fingerprint" for each user. Read More


This is your fingerprint. It was created by analyzing the data shown on this page to combine it into a unique identifier that can be used to track you across the web.

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